Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Movie: 8 mile

Rewatched 8 mile. Didn't realize it was already 5 years ago since the movie was released. It's a very inspirational movie for me. Reminds you to fight for yourself when it matters and never be ashamed or afraid for being who you truly are. And the best motto in the movie that I like is: "The best way to do things is to do it on your own". Always stand up for yourself!

Eminem was pretty good in the movie even if it was his debut film. At least you don't see him 'choke' up in the movie like Jay Chou did in Initial D :) My favourite line from the movie (by Eminem's character) was, quote:
"Have you ever wanted to just say 'Fuck It', stop living right here, and start living right here..."

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

80th Birthday

It's my grandma's 80th birthday today. We had a family dinner in Petaling Jaya. It was great seeing all my uncles and aunts, cousins (one of them came back from Australia too). I felt great to be around them tonight. Only thing missing was my Mum. In the midst of dinner, I was imagining her to be sitting right next to me.

Turns out that Streamyx is getting fucked up again. Connection's fucking bad tonight. No raids, no nothing.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

First post

Ok, this would be first ever post. While I was sleeping last night, I somehow dreamt of documenting whatever human imperfections that I can think of. Just to make a list of them and share them with the rest of the world. Mostly, they are things that most of us realize, but never dare admit it to others because we think that it may project an image that you suck! It's always living up to someone's standards, to fit in, to blend in, to live... I mean, so what we're fucked up. So, in this blog I'll try to lay down whatever things that I think I'm fucked up about :P Call that venting if you want.