Thursday, January 24, 2008

Long time friends

Do you have friends that you known for over 10 years and still keep in touch? Think about this. You've known A for over 10 years and you've also maintained constant contact with A. But now you slowly realize that A is taking you for granted. A does things that betrays you in the context of friendship, say things that hurt you, and after all that shit, even expects kindness and respect from you.

Situations like these always make me feel there is much tension in the thin air, and it's up to me whether to break it or not. But there I was, staring at this long time friend, thinking, should I just risk losing the friendship by letting out my true feelings and thoughts? Or should I be the so-called 'matured' party and forget all his uncalled for acts and words?

Question is, how long can I withstand this? Am I obligated to withstand A's misbehaviours? Why should I let myself be taken for granted? And for what? A friendship that doesn't seem to be important to A at all? Why do they always have to talk in a way that it would start a fight if I talk back? What are they thinking? So, they knew we won't talk back and that makes them feel confident in talking down at me? And by talking me down, makes him feel superior so he can continue with his daily life? Wtf???!!!!

To me, is it more important to continue letting A do that to me and feel miserable myself? Or, relief myself of misery by giving the truth to A? Over 10 years is not easy, and I am lucky enough to even have friends that I have known so long. Sometimes it makes me wonder if A cares at all when A says/does the things that hurts ppl.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Movie: Any Given Sunday

While ironing clothes, I grabbed a DVD (Any Given Sunday) from the rack and decided to watch it again (I think I've watched it over 10 times now). The themes or so-called mottos in that movie reminded me of something. In every day of our lives, we either win or lose, it's just life. The important thing is, whether you can lose like a man. There is a quote that I would like to share here:

"When a man looks back into his life, he not only looks at the glories, good times, money, women, etc...There will be a time when you are left with nothing but just yourself. If you do not learn how to deal with that, you't ain't a man, you're just another punk."